Thursday, 9 July 2009

Keeping busy


Our work in Africa is at a lower level than before now that we are supposed to be 'consultants'. Perhaps people don't have much confidence in us because very few consult us! Then some that do, ignore what we say.

We have been in contact with long-time friends in Romania, where the ministry first began. They are begging us to make a visit soon. We will try to do this.

In October we are going to Turkey for two weeks with Paul and Kate. One week will be a conference and one week holiday.

In November we have been asked to go to Moscow. John is one of the UK board members for the Institute for Bible Translation, and he will represent the UK board at their annual gathering in Moscow. The IBT operates from a monastery on the banks of the Moscow river. A large team of translators work on the 150 non-Slavic languages of Russia. Forty million people in the east and south of Russia have no Bible in their mother tongue. One resident was given a scripture portion in their own language for the first time and said "God speaks my language". Another said "I thought God was a Russian".

It will be our second vi st to Moscow. We were there in 1988 for a different reason - but still to do with giving people the scriptures in their own language. We are looking forward to a more relaxed trip this time. Unfortunately, Lorna, Paul and Lucy will not be with us this time.

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