Wednesday, 1 September 2010

The Middle East – why the talks (or any talks) will fail.

The Middle East – why the talks (or any talks) will fail.

Once again, the American are seeking to be the honest brokers in talks between the Arabs and the Israelis. There isn’t much optimism about, but every new administration in the U.S. has to try; not least for domestic political reasons. The most important reason is America’s dependence on Middle East oil. War in the area would now involve not just Israel’s immediate neighbours, but Iran would be drawn in. The oil flow would be at serious risk.

I can’t imagine that the expert advisors in the White House do not know the real situation in the Middle East, but they have to pretend that an agreement is possible, even though they know it is not. Years ago that well known, and very wise German Jew, Henry Kissinger wrote a long article in Newsweek (which I read). In it he explained his experience of the Arabs. His conclusion was that there are only two types of Arabs. One wants to attack and destroy Israel immediately. The other thinks they should wait until they are stronger and then attack and destroy the Israelis.

The Arab will Never make peace with the Jews. True they hate them, but more importantly they believe that Israel is their land – all of it. This is a result of the Muslim doctrine about land. Palestine was once occupied by Muslims, so it should always be that way. It is their solemn duty to God to regain God’s land for Islam. Thus their war cry has always been ‘We will drive their men into the sea and rape their women’. And they will if they get the chance. However, God is the one who really protects Israel.

In the Camp David talks with President Clinton, Arafat was suddenly offered everything he was asking for. He panicked, phoned home and came up with new and impossible demands which ended the talks. Israel called his bluff and he knew – as they knew – the Arabs would never agree to peace. Only the destruction of Israel will satisfy the Arabs.

Israel’s position is very simple. God gave them this land long ago and they will NEVER give it up, even if they have to defend it with nuclear weapons.

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