Thursday, 12 November 2009

Why evolution is imposible


Two of the world’s leading astro-physicists - Sir Fred Hoyle and Chandara Wik Rama Singh conducted ten years of research - with unlimited funds, access to the worlds best libraries and data-bases - they set themselves the task of answering the following question :-

‘’ Since we as atheists know that life is the result of a naturalistic evolutionary process, what are the mathematic and scientific odds, that given any part of the universe and time and opportunity, life would express itself.’’

After ten years of research their conclusion was :-

‘’The chances of life coming about on Earth or anywhere in the universe by natural processes are 10 to the power of 40,000 - which means that it is impossible.’’

If we were to count all the electrons in the universe, they would be 10 to the power of 80

Most of the universe is space. But if it were all electrons - a solid metal ball of electrons, the number of electrons would be 10 to the power of 130

It would be easier for a whirlwind to blow through a scrapyard and for a Jumbo jet in flight to come out the other end.

When asked by journalists if he was still an atheist?
Sir Fred Hoyle said ‘’someone has been monkeying about with physics the chemistry and the biology of the universe.’’

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